Okay, so it has been over a year since I last posted on this here blog of mine. I didn’t even finish my “Photo of the Week” series, leaving off at Week 35 for crying out loud. I really have no good excuse either. A few things got in the way of having the time to write; a new job, lack of continuously good content to indulge you in, and mostly very little free time. However, with some exciting things coming up this year, I figured I should start back up again! Sort of a New Year resolution if you will. In the meantime, let’s see how 2016 shaped up… (more…)
Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category
Photo of the Week – Week 34
Towards the end of August I had to spend a few weeks in Florida for business. I figured this would be a good chance to spend a weekend with my friends Amanda and Ryan. However, Mother Nature had other plans for me. There was a threat of a major hurricane, turned tropical storm, turned sprinkle of rain which prevented me from traveling downstate. I was a pretty bummed I was unable to visit, especially since the weather turned out to be just fine.
I did however meet a lovely group of ladies who work for the same company as myself. Since we all ended up staying in the area during our mid weekend, we decided to head to Disney World! We just picked Magic Kingdom as we were only going to spend one day and we figured this was the best park for a day trip. It was a blast! I can’t wait to visit with my ladies again soon as they are all scattered across the country.
Photo of the Week – Week 32
My long time friend, Ashley was having her second baby. Another daughter! I am very excited and happy for all three members of this beautiful family. A friend of Ashley’s was sweet enough to throw her a Sprinkle. Since it has been almost 5 years since her last baby, she thought it would be special for the new baby to have her own celebration. It was a beautiful summer day with all of Ashley’s closest friends and family.
Photo disclaimer: I admit I did not take any of these photos. But I did not want to leave this post without. Ashley posted this the day of the shower to showcase all the great details put into the Sprinkle.
Photo(s) of the Week – Week 20
I can not believe that May 23rd has come and gone already. Almost a year and a half ago Theresa was telling me that Matt had made them a delicious meal for two. He had even set out candles. But guess what? He proposed! Then a few months later, Sarah and I had made our way out to visit Theresa for our regular get together. We were going to meet a few of her closest friends for a Girl’s Night. She surprised us this time and had written each of us the cutest little note asking us to be in her wedding.
The craft weekends, the bridal shower, the bachelorette party…all leading up to this one day. There was so much planning and preparation and it was all worth it! The wedding day was fabulous. From the morning of, getting ready with hair and make up and pre wedding pictures…to the beautiful ceremony at her gorgeous church. Then after at the bazaar and later the golf course, taking photos with the photographer and the bridal party. And finally the reception, where we all enjoyed good food and lots of dancing. (more…)
A wise young woman once told me that every person should have a blog of sorts at some point in their 20’s. Being that I am well into my upper 20’s, I figured I better get a move on. So here we go…
I reside in upstate NY. A little over a year ago, my babes and I bought a house and renovated the entire thing floor to ceiling (more on that to come later). Outside of fixing up the house and my day job I mostly tend to our beast of a dog, Quattro. I play soccer once a week, bake and cook often, and travel whenever time and money allows me to.
Essentially Jackie is just as it sounds. I will delve into my every day life as a home owner, “mother” to an Alaskan Malamute, baker extraordinaire (well maybe that’s a bit of a reach), and will share with you any helpful tips and tricks I have on travel and entertaining.
I hope you enjoy!